Antonio Lysy at The Broad Music from Argentina (Vinyl)

(1 customer review)


Antonio Lysy, ‘cello
Bryan Pezzone, piano
Pablo Motta, bass
The Capitol Ensemble

Vinyl LP

Ginastera: Pampeana No. 2
Ginastera: Triste              
Piazzolla: Oblivion
Piazzolla: Le Grand Tango          
Schifrin: Pampas

SKU: YAR95968-517V Antonio Lysy at The Broad (LP) Category: Tags: , , , , ,


Latin GrammyWinner, Latin GRAMMY award 2010

 …sonically and musically exquisite….  If you don’t agree that this is one of the finest recordings you have ever heard, your system needs to go in for repairs.

I’ve played this record [Antonio Lysy at The Broad] repeatedly over the past few days and I can’t get enough. When it’s over you’ll sit in stunned silence, I guaranty!

–Michael Fremer,

1 review for Antonio Lysy at The Broad Music from Argentina (Vinyl)

  1. George Drastal

    I am grateful for your efforts to bring excellent music and recording quality to the public, especially when it’s on vinyl. I never sold off a single one of my LPs when digital recording was introduced, and the collection has only grown to about 4,000. Although I have the equipment with which to play CD/SACD recordings, I believe that the best of them can’t quite achieve the realism of the best recorded LPs. Without exception, every Yarlung LP I have bought proved to be superbly well recorded. That is a big motivator for me and other self-identifying “audiophiles”.

    Both Antonio Lysy LPs are my favorites. He’s a master of tango and that style.

    • Bob Attiyeh

      Thank you so much, George! We so appreciate your enthusiasm. Yes, I too am very happy with both of Antonio’s LPs. We released Antonio Lysy at The Broad: Music from Argentina first, and followed that with Te Amo, Argentina, which came from the tapes from the same recording sessions. Many thanks to our friend Elliot Midwood for serving as our executive producer and underwriter. Elliot has also designed and built two of Yarlung’s microphone preamplifiers, and we are at work on more for the future as well.

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