Music originates in the “inner world” of the composer. Great music emanates from this private psychic space within the composer, and inspires us to explore our own inner worlds, if we let it….
As it is with poets, painters and sculptors, so it is for composers: their inner worlds erupt in an outpouring of what we call “art” to be shared by audiences, readers, gallery and museum-goers in so special a way that it can feel spiritual.
Martin Perlich
Inner World is our first Yarlung Records album dedicated to one composer’s music. Before the album’s release, I played two minutes of Deep Dreams, the first track on this album, at the summer Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society meeting in 2008 where I was asked to do a presentation. Robert Levi, the society’s president, leapt out of his chair and asked “What is that?” And “When can I have a copy?” I handed him my demo track. I hope you enjoy this music as much as Mr. Levi did.
Bob Attiyeh, producer
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