Janaki String Trio : Debut (Vinyl)

(2 customer reviews)


Serena McKinney, violin
Katie Kadarauch, viola
Arnold Choi, ‘cello

45 RPM 180-gram Vinyl, lacquers cut by Bernie Grundman

Krzysztof Penderecki: String Trio
Jason Barabba: String Trio

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SKU: YAR53964-376V Janaki LP Category: Tags: , , ,


Janaki String trio from executive producer Elliot Midwood

“…People still want to talk about it at audiophile shows. This has become one of Yarlung’s iconic recordings, an “out of the ballpark” home run because it combines lifelike sound with hair raising, inspired performances. The 3D presentation, the “you are there” tonality and perfect acoustic decay reveal three living breathing musicians playing just for us; it doesn’t get any better than this..” — Steve Hoffman

This vinyl pressing earned a prestigious spot on Jonathan Valin’s famous Super LP List at The Absolute Sound.  Thank you Jonathan, thank you Janaki Trio and thank you Elliot Midwood!

2 reviews for Janaki String Trio : Debut (Vinyl)

  1. naissen

    This is one of the greatest recordings of a string trio (or quartet for that matter). Most modern classical recordings have too much reverb for my tastes; I prefer a drier close-miked sound that does not obscure detail and has the added benefit of making it feel like the performers are in the room. This 45 RPM title is the latter. The detail is phenomenal; the tone of each instrument is to die for and the performances are riveting.

    I often use this as a test LP – great to ensure your cartridge and speakers are setup correctly to portray the detail, soundstage and bottom end clarity on the cello.

    A MUST buy imo. I have the CD, DSD and now that I’m getting into tape, it’s the first title I purchased.

    • Bob Attiyeh

      Thank you so much for this fabulous review. Much appreciated. I remember when this album made its debut on LP. We were doing an evening demonstration at “The Show at Newport,” and I had test pressings in my hand straight off the Pallas press. Janaki String Trio and their LP made us very proud that evening. Executive Producer Elliot Midwood was with us in the audience that night. I still remember his “thumbs up!”

  2. Jim Balderrama

    Received the disc yesterday as promised. Put it on the turntable and sat down for a listen.

    First impression was of course how nice the disc itself looked and felt.

    After listening to a few seconds of the Penderecki “String Trio” I was blown away by the performance and the composition. Wow!

    Loved it. Truly a modern classic. Some of the chords reminded me a bit of Shostakovich’s Cello Concerto #1.

    Going to side two, the Barabba seemed just as good…. A VERY nice disc that is now my “demo” disc for showing off my system.

    Thank you for the personal note and care during shipping.

    Most sincerely,


    • Bob Attiyeh

      Thank you so much, Jim. This is a special disc for me, and I’m glad you like it so much. Executive Producer Elliot Midwood and I worked hard on this pressing, and that’s nothing in comparison to the preparation and phenomenal skill shared with us by Serena, Katie and Arnold, the members of Janaki String Trio.

      I’d like to think that if these string trios by Jason Barabba and Krzysztof Penderecki have become staples in the new music pantheon of repertoire, that Janaki String Trio deserves part of the credit.

      Didn’t Bernie Grundman do a great job cutting these lacquers? He makes me feel proud every time I listen to this disc.

      Thanks and happy listening,

      Bob Attiyeh, producer

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